

Springers, Sprockers and Cockers.  A class for those crazy but loveable spaniels who have busy bodies and busy brains. This is a 5 week course and each lesson is an hour.

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Springers, Sprockers and Cockers Class is designed for the crazy spaniels who have busy bodies and busy brains.  They like to have a job to do and enjoy learning, but often lack focus and can be a little…..well, crazy!!

This class will help you if your spaniel loses focus around dogs, people, wildlife and smells.

We will train the basics like lead walking and recall but also things that you never even knew you needed!

We will be teaching lots of fun exercises during the 5 week course and by the end you will have lots of tools for your toolbox to continue having fun with your Spaniel, whilst increasing focus around distractions.

This class is held outside in a field, (we train regardless of weather), and all dogs must be fully vaccinated or titre tested to attend.  Proof of vaccination or titre test will be required.

Please note the classes are held in a private field in East Ogwell and there are no toilets on site.  Due to the classes being held in a field this class is not suitable for wheelchair users or anyone with a disability.

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